Why is Branding Important?

Why Great Branding is Key to Success

“Branding- the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design”

That’s the official definition of Branding. A marketing practice to create a face for your business. To help you to be identified by your audience and (hopefully) land you clients. There are so many reasons as to why Branding is the key to your companies success. Look at Starbucks, for example. They have built amazing, recognisable branding with the look and feel of their company. As well as their personality.

Example of Good Branding

Get your Business Recognised.

Standing out from your competitors and being remembered is a main factor to success. Which is why having unique branding is so important. You can easily have a look around for logo design inspiration for your business, but look at it as something you want to do better than, not to copy. There’s no point looking exactly like your competitor if you want to do better than them!

Generating New Customers.

Having strong branding usually means that you are going to leave a positive impression on your audience. If they can see that your business is well put together and has a clear message, they are going to feel a lot more comfortable working with you. Which can then lead on to customer referrals becoming main advertising technique.

Employee Pride.

You and your employees will feel a lot more positive and proud to work for a good looking business. By working with a business that look and feels good, you will also find yourself feeling happier and much more organised within your work life. Which will then reflect on your business to your clients. It’s a win win!

How can I Improve my Branding?!

So let’s say you’ve realised that your branding is all over the place. Or you have a brand thats put together, but you’re not really sure it fits with who you are and what you’re looking to sell. Let’s look at the best branding techniques to help you out.

Start with a Brand Strategy.

There’s a lot of work that goes into creating a brand. Its a huge misconception that a Brand is just your name and a logo, now that would be easy! That’s why you need to start with a Brand Strategy. This is your plan. Where you want your business to be and how your Branding can help you to get there. A well executed brand strategy focuses on your business, consumer needs, competition and emotion.

Purpose. What is the reason for your company? Work out what your company’s main function and intention is. Why do you enjoy what you do, what makes you different from your competitors?

Emotion. Find a way to connect with your target audience. Make them feel part of a group/family. Give them a purpose for working with you. Can you make their life easier or fill in a gap they could be missing? Psychologically, people love to feel connected with others and build relationships. Use that in your branding!

Consistency. Keeping your business consistent and clear is vital. Make sure you have a clear message and stick to it! There’s no use in posting something completely irrelevant to your social media just because its entertaining. What does that post mean to your business? If it’s nothing relevant, scrap it!

Which brings me on to my next tip…

Creating a Style Guide

A Branding Style Guide is a rulebook for your brand. It focuses on how your brand will present itself through its logo, the font, colour schemes, tone of voice, photography and more. This is vital with your business as it allows you to stay consistent and clear on what your business is all about.

We have a lot of designs on our website where we have successfully put these actions into place, you take a look here.

At Developer Rocket, our job is to focus on creating a Brand that’s right for you, as well as your business. We’ve worked on a lot of branding in Kent in order to bring their business to life, which we love! If you have any questions, or any design needs, get in contact via our contact page!

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